Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fashion tips.

From Mr. T. "Stay cool, Jeff."

Crocs kill.

And now there's proof that they can kill more than my will to live.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Call it what you want, but this is not funny.

We feel that all should be allowed to express their Jumpsuitedness in a non-judgmental atmosphere. Why this was on some "Freaks and Geeks" show is beyond our comprehension.


The King Jumpsuit already knew that the Manolo was the best fashion blogger ever. Little did the King Jumpsuit know that the Manolo would be the best celebrity blogger ever. Actually, the King Jumpsuit still doesn't know that. But the King Jumpsuit might one day.

We heart booty bass.

Spank Rock was already enshrined in our playlists, but this makes us laugh. And cry. For joy. Also, we are reminded of this Found Magazine gem.

Carney makes good!

As a lawyer. I think we know why this is funny.

Law bloggers discriminated against.

I don't really care about the content of the referenced post. I just laugh every time I hear (or read) "law blog," thanks to Arrested Development.

Bill Murray Update!

Apparently the Swedish Golf Cart Incident was just an innocent attempt to take strangers to a 7-Eleven. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Hopefully he lets me know the next time he needs an attorney to accompany him in Scandinavia. My favorite part is where he indicates that the police "asked me to come over and they assumed that I was drunk and I explained to them that I was a golfer." I might have added, "Is this not an appropriate place to park?" And then threatened to write a strongly worded letter to the Right People.