Thursday, August 30, 2007


The P-I can't count
in my haiku
Still free book for me.

On 8/30/07, Guzman, Monica wrote:
Ouch. We sounded that one out all wrong. For catching us at our mathematical worst, you are an honorary winner. Give me your first and second choice on those books and we'll give you second pick.

Mónica Guzmán
Online Reporter, Big Blog Contributor
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
101 Elliott Ave.
Seattle, WA 98119
P-I's Big Blog:

-----Original Message-----
From: Jumpsuit
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:45 PM
To: Guzman, Monica
Subject: Haiku (non)issue


E/lec/tri/fy/ing (5)
E/lec/tro/cut/ing ath/lete (7)
in new u/ni/form (5)


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Which is worse?

Manu Chao's outfit (posted below), or the creepy dude wearing what look like long johns on the cover of Paranoid? Discuss.

Hmm. Maybe I do hate John Richards just a little.

At least I find the evidence of his self-obsession/megalomania kind of annoying. First the stage dive thing at the KEXP BBQ that coincided with the anonymous hate-letter posted here previously, now I'm supposed to care about his stupid toddler. Give me a break.

Monday, August 27, 2007

We need more maps!

Oh. My. Gawd.

Creepy beer commercial!

I do not know whether I like this commercial or find it freaky. It has beer, robots, and girls, all good things. But it's more than a little off-putting in a Stepford kind of way. Anyway, I still f&@%ing hate Heineken.

Newfound respect for a crappy artist.

I didn't care much for Manu Chao live at Sasquatch, with his predictable anti-Bush shouts, endless, repetitive songs, and pathetic calls for audience cheers, but I love how crap-ass this album cover looks. It doesn't even have a "I want to make it look like I don't give a crap, but really I feel a desperate need to maintain my indie image" look to it. Much respect, Manu.

Real-life ninjas climb trees "just like a squirrel."

I think we know that I wish I was this cool in high school.

Oh my dear lord, the world is ending.

Time travel needed to go back and eliminate the inventor of Cruggs. It may be the only way left to save humanity.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


We are so angry that someone stole our idea for a companion blog to Genius Juice. We hate them.